Besides offering psychological services, I also support and consult with other organisations.
Coming Soon: Publication
I wrote a chapter on Race and Politics within a book that will be published by Routledge in 2024/2025. As a deaf, Black female counselling psychologist, I shared my views, experiences, research, history, and implications of race and politics within the field of applied psychology.
Discussion Panel for BPS Division of Counselling Psychology Conference
I lead a discussion panel for BACPG at the annual BPS Division of Counselling Psychology Conference. We asked the following question: how can counselling psychologists engage with minority ethnic communities to begin to repair the relationship that is deeply rooted in their feelings of mistrust and experiences of social injustices in order to better support them during the COVID-19 pandemic?
BAMEStream Bereavement 'Grieving Space' Cafe
I co-facilitated with other members from the BACPG an online bereavement cafe for BAMEStream to discuss the impact of death in ethnic minorities communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. We talked about grief and how we grieve differently as individuals and as people from different cultural groups and communities.